The porta party goes by Whap enduring intense heat in the Virtual Nats room while I try to get pics on puter The first couple of nite this was a place to avoid, here they started jammin Still Jammin.... Whap at the Virt Nats Party
Here I attempt to take a nap on the whale in the pool My lil one decides it's time to attack me Sandy, BGFNY and Kim, All Nite Vans escape the heat Thanks to Vanner Radio once again for the fine tunes Kim, All Nite has carnal knowledge of the whale
Still Going !! Kim tries a different attack phase Chet, again Not satiated with whale abuse, Kim attacks the palm tree Astro, lookin moody,a few hours at Lunas was a sure cure
Comedy is NOT pretty KIm squirts some needed relief on Chet during show and shine My lil one Alex, all decorated for the parade we missed cuz we didn't hear the announcement
Ya build a beach, next thing ya know there's beach bums, in this case Uncle Blaino The giant cheese I built for the Natz Ratz, alas, left behind Alex being dragged out of tent so we could take it down..I knew the feeeling Minnie Mouse gets ready for her endurance trials....clinging to the mirror Miinie made it all the way,500 miles, here she is just before my exit

All Nite Vans, We ain't correct but we're fun