Sister to the ship we were on,found out later it was docked because of a boiler explosion,comforting, eh ? Too late to turn back, they had my The only view of the ship we'd ever see, unless you wanted to wait an hour after it left you on the dock to see the side. This had all the mystique of a parking garage. In the distance you can see them attempting to BACK my van and club trailer onto the boat, amusing if it's not your van.
Still The wheelhouse, there appeared to be just a stuffed animal on the bridge in charge. The infamous railing picture,here ya go Phrog, this one's for you ,Buddy!! Of course no slide show is complete without a pic of this. Felt obligated to check out the life boats after hearing of the other ships incident..
Don't ask me why I took a pic of this,it just looked cool. Notice the instructions are in spanish FIRST, then english, hard to understand the rational  expecially as I didn't see any hispanics on the boat. Wife and Daughter watching the sudsy water ooze by. I was not tempted to swim in this water. And in a shower of dirty water , dead fish, and winged rats, we're off !!
The plus side of the trip, a great all you could eat breakfast, and being vanners we ate all we could eat you betcha... Pretty for awhile, monotonous long before the 4 hours was up. Notice the little sign under the life preservers, Men's Room, I wondered where the life preservers really were, the ladies room ?? Obligatory Dad and Daughter pic,.. One of the many places that were off limits, the car deck, you can see my van in the shadows...
Just a sign ,was ready to take pics of anything to stave off boredom... After finding an extra mens room in the life preserver locker was afraid to look in here, what could be in there, Tampons? Party hats? Took this for my lil one, the main lounge where the lady to the right in the pic drove us to the upper decks by singing show tunes. Finally, the shore, we are greeted once again by the rats with wings. Hallejuiah !! My van was first off the boat and we made haste to join it,only 2 hours to the Nats!!

All Nite Vans, We ain't correct but we're fun