Transmission Plan B: The 700R4

After spending over 1200.00 for a transmission computer control system from TCI to operate the 4l60e with the Carbureted 350 V-8, an additional 500 plus bucks in parts and new servos,several gallons of tranny fluid, many gaskets and filters, and at least two hundred hours on the phone and under the van following incomplete and incorrect advice that still left me with an expensive investment that would not move very well I finally gave up.

I am putting the TCI control puter up for sale( offers, anyone?)yanking the 4L60e tranny, and going with a 700r4. My new adventure follows.

Wish me


More Parts- Hooray

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Full Descriptions are below Pics

700r4/460e manual Pressure Tester Tranny Temp guage Lokar TV shift cable and cable bracket-Edelbrock geometry correcting bracket

Case Harness and brake operated lockup release solenoid

Lockup Harness and replacement solenoids-

Pinless Accumulator Piston

 Edelbrock TV Geometry Corrector

Mr Gasket Drain Plug Kit


  • After damn near memorizing the 2 4l60e manuals I bought for the 4l60E tranny ( Plan A) now I can learn all about 700r4s, which is actually a simpler transmission then the electronically controlled 4l60E. From Transmission Parts USA
  • Pressure Tester, a must for adjusting TV cable shift points-From Bowtie Overdrives
  • Tranny Temp guage, I figured monitoring my trans temp was a really good idea considering all the run miles I do hauling a club trailer -From Bowtie Overdrives
  • Lokar TV shift cable, a must as I will no longer have a puter for line pressure and shift points-Also a new Lokar throttle and TV cable bracket and return spring assembly for Edelbrock Performer carb- From Summit Racing Equipment
  • Case Harness and brake activated lockup release solenoid-From Bowtie Overdrives
  • Lockup Harness and replacement solenoids-From Bowtie Overdrives
  • Pinless Accumulator Piston, O-rings, and check balls-From Transmission Parts USA
  • Edelbrock TV Geometry Corrector-A must, as without this addition to the carb linkage the cable(s) can pull incompletely and at the wrong angle, resulting in bad shifts and possibly cooked tranny bands-From Summit Racing Equipment
  • Mr Gasket Drain Plug Kit-After wasting tens of gallons of tranny fluid, half a dozen gaskets and filters ( and a lot of time) draining the tranny the messy way by pulling the 16 bolts and the pan off the 4L60e every damn time I had to simply look at or adjust something I learned this was a smart purchase- From Jerry's Speed Shop-Toledo.

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Lockup Install