ZooBreak 2

Vanimal Vans put on this event in 1986.

It was held at Eagle Mountain Ski Resort, Pattersonville, NY.

Thanks to Elaine Morris from Mohawk for lending me the videos from this run so I could do the still captures. Thanks also to Lynn (BGFNY), Bob Follet ( Upstate Vanners),

Barry (Chair City), Richard Blandford (Oswego River Vans) and

Dale Watson, (Former Prez. of Mass Transit) for helping I.D. the pics.

Gary, AKA Chumpy,Chair City

Gregory, AKA Tank,Mohawk Vans

Wayne Dodge, Mohawk Vans

John Jorgenson

Ron Mccasland ,AKA Knighty Knight

Shit, True Truckers, Mining for Green Gold

JT SPY on left, Crazy Eddie, NVPT on right

Wolf, AKA Wolfie, AKA, Who's that raiding my grill at 3 a.m,!!? NVPT

A Little Flash from Patty Yank, Bgfny and High Times Truckers

Patty on left, and Cookie, High Times, sitting in a chair that magically turned into firewood Saturday Nite!!


Bob Follet, Aka Pup E Trucker and Rosie Follet, Upstate Vanners

Frank Swartwout amd Elaine Morris, Mohawk

Harry, Mass Transit

Jt Spy's banner, Artist extraordinaire, been MIA for a few years

JTat Work

Nick Giambatista, Salt City Vans, left us for that big line up in the sky October 1996

Bye, Nick

Nice Pin

Nice lining on pin!!